Lluis Serra-Majem, chairman of IFMeD, during the commemorative act Año Internacional de la Dieta Mediterránea, today declared that: “Despite the recognition by the UNESCO of the Mediterranean Diet as an intangible cultural heritage, the adherence to this dietary pattern has been falling down in some Mediterranean countries as a consequence of the economic constraints Europe is facing since 2008”. He affirms that “is therefore essential to enhance the Mediterranean Diet as a healthy and sustainable life style model, adapting it to current socio-economic and cultural changes, as well as preserving and reaffirming it as an intangible cultural heritage of humankind”.
“There is a need for a new interdisciplinary and intercultural rethinking for the revitalization of the Mediterranean Diet – says Sandro Dernini, general secretary of IFMeD -. Therefore, IFMeD can be the ideal international place for promoting this change by acting to reconstruct a sustainable food cultural context for the Med Diet, more suitable to the current times and for all people”.
IFMeD works for the encouragement of international cooperation agreements with other entities, private and public, all over the world, interested in supporting and pursuing the values and benefits of the Mediterranean Diet.
“As integral part of the Mediterranean global world, we firmly believe in the creation of IFMeD and in its opportunity to strengthen the relationship between the scientific community and the private sector – asserts Emmanuel Pauze, Executive Director of IFMeD -. Only the coordination and the collaboration between these two poles, always more interconnected, will be able to guarantee to the Mediterranean Diet a primary role for people’sand the environment health, as well as a true international recognition”.
Actually, IFMeD would be also the main actor to organize meeting and synergies dedicated to the Mediterranean food culture. It is active to promote and develop events, research projects, policies, training and initiatives of scientific divulgation and technical cooperation, both on a national and global scale.